Manuel Alejandro González Garrido

Manuel Alejandro González Garrido received the M.S: and Ph.D. degrees in Physics and Space Sciences from the University of Granada, Spain, in 2008 and 2016, respectively. He joined the Department of Applied Physics in 2016. He was a postdoctoral in the UGR thanks a granted by “Fundación ONCE”. Right now, he is a postdoctoral researcher thanks a granted by the University of Granada. He is doing his research at the Université Cote d'Azur in Nice (France).
His teaching activity was initially involved with several subjects, who started in 2017, which are the practical credits of the subjects of physical pollution and rheology applied to industrial processes, both for the Degree in chemical engineering. In the academic year 2018-2019 he has taught classes in chemical engineering degree, industrial electronic engineering degree and physics degree, with practical credits of general physics, mechanics and fluids and mechanics and waves, respectively.
His research is dedicated to the electrokinetics of colloidal systems. His works include the study of electrokinetic phenomena in suspensions of flat particles, especially focused on electrophoretic mobility techniques, the study of electrical permittivity and dynamic mobility, associated with this geometry. He worked in the production of electrical energy by the exchange of salinity water. Researched on the study of electrical energy production by capacitive methods in nanoporous interfaces, applied to materials, for example as graphene oxide or carbon nanotubes. This linked the study and characterization of composite materials that would improve the efficiency of the use of active carbons.
His current research focuses on apply the electrokinetics of colloidal systems to new applications, like absorption of contaminants to clean wasted water. Or in combination between colloidal particles with other wasted residues.
He continues his research and his teacher training, with effort and enthusiasm, ignoring the problems caused by his physical disability.
For more information on his research projects and publications, please click here.