Delfi Bastos González

Delfi Bastos Gonzalez is Professor at the Department of Applied Physics since 1998.

As a teacher, she has taught in different degrees, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Architecture, teaching both theory and problems and practical classes. She has been coordinator of the teaching laboratories of Chemistry and Biology practices for more than ten academic years. She has taught postgraduate teaching in the doctorates of Surface and Interfacial Phenomena; Fundamentals and Applications in Materials Science and in the so-called Applied Physics, as well as in the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Science and Technology of Colloids and Interfaces. In the latter he actively participated in its implementation.

She currently teaches the subjects of Physical Fundamentals Applied to Facilities in the degree of Architecture Studies as well as Colloids and Interfaces: Applications to Biomaterials in the Master's Degree in Physics: Radiation, Nanotechnology, Particles and Astrophysics. She is part of the academic commission of the doctorate program in Physics and Space Sciences of the University of Granada. Since May 2016, she is Academic Secretary at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Granada.

Her research has been centered on the study of the physical chemical properties of Colloids and Interphases. These studies have focused on various applications such as drug delivery systems, development and improvement of paints, development of inmunodiagnosis test and development of biosensors to detect alergenic proteins (food alergies). Currently, she focuses much of her research on the analysis of the interaction of ions or electrolytes with colloidal surfaces. This type of phenomena are known as Hofmeister Effects or ionic specificity . The interaction of interfaces with electrolytes is of vital importance in order to determine the physical chemical properties and functionality in systems as diverse as macromolecules, colloids, membranes or microfluidic devices. She has carried out several stays in the Universities and Research Centers. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canadá, Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain and the Centre of the Research Paul Pascal, Burdeaux, France.