Francisco José Olmo Reyes obtained his Bachelor degree in Physics in 1986 and his Ph.D. in Physics Sciences at the University of Granada (Spain) in 1991 in the field of solar radiation and Earth-Atmosphere radiative budget. During the period 1989-1990 he did research stays at the Swiss Meteorological Institute focusing on the study of solar radiance. He has also done several research stays at the CNR-IMAA in Italy, the University of Vienna (Austria), the University of Evora (Portugal) and the University of Tartu (Estonia). Currently he is full professor at the University of Granada where he also develops his research activity.
His teaching activity involved several subjects: General Physics for different Degrees, Experimental Physics Techniques and Atmospheric Physics for the Degree in Physics, Energy Management. Renewable Energies and Climatology and Meteorology for the Degree in Environmental Sciences, and Physics Complements to Apply the Architecture to the Environment for the Degree in Architecture. In addition, he has involved with different Post-Doctoral and Master courses related with Atmospheric Remote Sensing and Techniques to Measure and Analyze the Atmospheric Aerosol. He has also an active teaching activity, participating in different projects about teaching innovation, and directing master theses and Ph.D. theses.
Among their current interest are:
Impact of pollution in health and environment
Earth-Atmosphere radiative budget
Atmospheric aerosols and their contribution to global change
Remote sensing of the atmosphere
Methodologies and instrumentations for measuring atmospheric aerosols
Developments of inversion techniques for the study of scattering and absorption properties of non-spherical particles.
During his career he directed different projects/contracts and field-campaigns, both national and international. He has an intense research activity with more than 120 peer-review papers (h-index=30 –Scopus) and more than 3000 citations. In 2012 he was co-chair of the European Aerosol Conference and co-editor of the corresponding proceedings. He is an active reviewer in prestige international journals such as Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheric Environment, Journal of Aerosol Science, Atmospheric Research, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques o Advances in Space Research. Currently he is actively participating in the AERONET, EARLINET and ACTRIS networks where the University of Granada participates and leads some activities and among his duties are the set up, maintenance and data quality checks of the network products at the University of Granada.
For more information on his research and publications, please visit the following links: