Gloria Titos Vela

Gloria Titos Vela obtained her Degree in Physics in 2009 (University of Granada, Spain) and PhD in Atmospheric Physics in 2014 (University of Granada). Currently, she holds a Juan de la Cierva – Incorporación grant at the Department of Applied Physics

Her teaching activity started in 2013 involved in several subjects like Physics (Degree in Environmental Sciences), Fundamental Physics for engineers (Degree in IT Engineers), Energy management and renewable energies (Degree in Environmental Sciences), among others. She is also a professor in Atmospheric Radiation in the frame of the Master in Geophysics and Meteorology. Also, she has been involved in the teaching activity of Atmospheric Processes and Climate Change at Arcadia University.

Her over-arching research focus is the study of atmospheric aerosols properties; their chemical composition and optical and hygroscopic properties and the processes that determine their spatial and temporal variability; and ultimately their impact in climate. Currently, her research activity is mainly focused in the study of aerosol-cloud interaction processes using in-situ techniques.