Inmaculada Foyo Moreno

Inmaculada Foyo Moreno received the M.S: and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from the University of Granada, Spain, in 1989 and 1996, respectively. She is with the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Granada since 1990, where she is now Associate Professor.

Her teaching activity began various subjects, such as General Physics in the Degree in Chemistry and Environmental Sciences (CCAA) and Clinical Instrumentation for the Degree in Physiotherapy. She has taught the subject of Meteorology and Climatology in the degree of CCAA, Experimental Basic Techniques in the Degree of Physics and Renewable Energies in the Degree of CCAA. Currently, she teaches the subject of Physics and Energy Management and Renewable Energy in the degree of CCCA and Physics of the Environment in the degree of Physics. Since 2004 and continuously to the present, she has taught doctorates and official master's degrees from the University of Granada, currently participating in the Master of Geophysics and Meteorology in the following subjects: Atmospheric Radiation and Aerosols remote sensing techniques.

The main lines of her research can be summarized in two, an initiation in the field of radiation at different ranges of wavelength (solar radiation, thermal radiation or infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)), highlighting her contribution in the ultraviolet solar and PAR radiation, being the author of several widely referenced models. The other line of research focuses in the study of aerosols, through its characteristic with optical and physical properties, with both active and passive remote sensing techniques and the study of the effects of aerosols on radiation. Also, in the study of aerosols, in recent years she has focused in the analysis of ultrafine particles, measured “in situ”, with great influence on air quality and, consequently, on health.