I have devoted my entire research career to the study of solid / liquid and liquid / gas interfaces and the properties of nanoparticles and colloids in suspension. I have put a special effort in the design and application of original devices.
Outstanding topincs in my research are:
Automatic pendant drop tensiometer with a subphase exchange device.
Microcalorimeter to study adsorption phenomena.
Individual particle size determination (SPOS) system.
System to study of aggregation of particles, both in two-dimensional systems and in suspension systems.
Contact angle goniometer.
During the course (1993-94), I was as invited researcher in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of University of Toronto, under the supervision of the Professor Neumann. I have maintained a close collaboration during years with him and other members of his team. In particular, we work with Dr. Amirfazli, now at York University in Toronto. The experience gained allowed me to put in a surface and interfaces physics laboratory, equipped with devices for measuring contact angle and surface tension that have been applied to diverse surfaces. All this has been the result of the intense work of research developed in connection with the rest of my group and which resulted in a large number of research projects (MAT94,97,2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2014), of which I was IP, and a total of 26 doctoral theses under my supervision. I have published more than 150 research papers.
AS regards my teaching and research direction, it is enough to mention that I was the promoter and first coordinator of the first inter university program in Science and Technology of Colloids and Interfaces, and of the inter university Master associated with it.
Our group has experience in dealing with the phenomena related to the complex adhesion and wettability processes in real surfaces, and the effect on them of the previous treatment, either physical or chemical.