Saúl Abenhamar Navarro Marcha

Saúl Abenhamar Navarro Marchal, graduated in Pharmacy in 2013 from the University of Granada. He obtained the title of Official Master in Molecular Biology Applied to Biotechnology companies (Bioenterprise) in 2014. He is currently developing his doctoral thesis within the Department of Applied Physics and the Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology thanks to the contract for the training of doctors (FPI).

His teaching activity is focused on practical sessions of the subjects of General Physics (Degree in Chemistry) and Physicochemistry (Degree in Food Science and Technology).

His research and doctoral thesis is focused on the development and treatment of nanoparticles of different nature (Lipid and polymer) against tumor stem cells of pancreatic cancer.

He also has 5 publications in different high impact journals (JCR) as well as participation as a speaker in various international conferences and research days. He is a research member of the Ministry of Education and Science project INTELLIGENT NANOCAPHESES OF OLIVE OIL FOR ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF DRUGS AGAINST PANCREATIC STEM CELLS. He is a beneficiary of the Social Council Award of the University of Granada. He also belongs to the Galera and Requena Doctors Research Chair in Carcinogenic Stem Cells.